About me

About me

Professional Photographer in Majorca

Marcos Molina (Palma de Majorca).

Vocational artist and photographer specialized in nature landscape.


I started practicing photography at the age of 15, inspired by the natural beauty of Mallorca. The decades of 1980, 1990 and 2000 represent a progressive learning of the technique as well as a deep understanding of local environmental conditions.

Consistency, discipline and a spirit of improvement have allowed me to acquire solid experience over the last 35 years, materialized in an extensive unique photographic collection of the natural landscape of Mallorca and the Tramuntana Mountains in particular.


I have published images in multiple travel magazines and have collaborated in a variety of editorial works and advertising campaigns such as the Unesco Candidacy for the Sierra de Tramuntana in 2011. In 2016 I published the book Llums de Tramuntana. The same year I was awarded first prize at the Glanzlichter international nature photography competition in Germany, in the landscape category.


Professional photographer since 2010, currently expanding horizons in commercial initiatives, such as production of content in real estate and nautical areas as well as long-term construction timelapse video.

Member of AFONIB (Balearic Islands Association of Nature Photographers).


Access my photographic portfolio


• "Glanzlichter" (Projekt Natur & Fotografie, Germany). Winner category "Magnificent Wilderness" (Landscape), 2016.

Own publications
• Book "Llums de Tramuntana" ("Tramuntana Light"). FotoNaTour Ediciones. Self-publishing. Palma de Majorca, 2016

• «Altair» magazine #18. "Especial Marruecos" (Morocco special issue). Barcelona, 1995.
• «Altair» magazine #20. "Mallorca, sus tesoros ocultos" (Majorca, her hidden treasures). Barcelona, 1995.
• «Altair» magazine #23. "Especial India del norte" (Northern India special issue). Barcelona, 1995.
• «Altair» magazine #26. "Especial Nepal" (Nepal special issue). Barcelona, 1995.
• «Esperando la tormenta» (Waiting for the storm) exhibition. Akane. Fundació la Caixa, Barcelona, 1997.
• «Viajes National Geographic» magazine #102, "Mallorca. La sugerente costa norte" (Majorca. The suggestive North coast). RBA, Barcelona, 2008.
• «Serra de Tramuntana. Candidate for Unesco World Heritage" advertising campaign. Consell de Mallorca, 2008.
• «Flores del Puig Major» (Flowers of the Puig Major) book. Consellería de Medi Ambient, Govern de les Illes Balears, 2008.
• «Cappuccino Grand Cafe Lounge Vol. IV» music CD art. Cappucino franchise. Palma de Majorca, 2009.
• «Formentor, la utopía posible»  (Formentor, the possible utopia) book. Grupo Barceló, Palma de Majorca, 2009.
• «Fauna endémica. Evidencia de evolución» (Endemic fauna. Evidence of evolution) book. Consellería de Medi Ambient, Govern de les Illes Balears, 2009.
• «La montaña y el poeta. Joan Alcover» (The mountain and the poet. Joan Alcover) TV documentary. La Perifèrica. Palma de Majorca, 2010.
• «L'Obra d'un Gegant. La Serra de Tramuntana i Mallorca» (The work of a giant. The Serra de Tramuntana and Majorca) TV film. IRU/Singular. Palma de Majorca, 2011.
• «La Mirada Forana: les Illes Balears vistes pels viatgers» (The foreign look: the Balearic islands seen from a traveler view) book. Govern de les Illes Balears, 2012.
• «Olivos milenarios de Mallorca» (Millenial olive trees of Majorca) book. Fundación Alda. Palma de Majorca, 2013.  
• «IRIS» annual magazine #20. "Portfolio". Nature photographers association of Spain (Aefona), 2013
• «Inicios de la escalada en Mallorca» (Beggining of rock climbing in Majorca) book. Climbing and mountaneering Balearic federation. Palma de Majorca, 2014
• «Descobrir Catalunya» magazine #198, "La Serra de Tramuntana de Marcos Molina" ("Marcos Molina's Serra de Tramuntana"). Sàpiens publicacions, Barcelona, 2014
• «LNH» online magazine #19. "La Sierra de Tramuntana, Mallorca" (Tramuntana mountains, Majorca). 2014
• «Llum» photo book. 10 pages introduction «The Light of Majorca». Balearic Islands Nature Photographers Association (Afonib), Palma de Majorca, 2014
• «Agenda LNH Iris» online magazine #13 (Aefona). Interview,  2015
• «GEO Special Mallorca», German edition, #05/2015, 4-page panoramic poster, Germany, 2015
• «Agenda Iris» online magazine #17. "Shooting landscape with telephoto lenses" article. Nature Photographers Association of Spain (Aefona), 2016
• Monthly magazine in Balearics area «Conciencia» #4. Article "Photography of Mountains" and cover, 2017.
• "Son Bauza (Valldemossa), Finca, Jardines, Esculturas. Encanto" photography book, 150 pages. Private assignement, 2018
• Screening of «Llums de Tramuntana» timelapse documentary, Grand Gala 50th Anniversary Auditorium of Palma, May 24th, 2019.
• «L'Àguila Coabarrada a Mallorca» (Bonelli's Eagle on Mallorca: a necessary element). Consellería de Medi Ambient, Govern de les Illes Balears, 2020
• Photograph back cover, book «Jaume Bover Pujol, Bibliògraf, bibliotecari i erudit –Liber amicorum–». Ed. Documenta Balear. Ajuntament d'Andratx, 2020.

Copyright of all images and videos: Juan Marcos Molina Gilfillansite by Bluekea